Welcome to our 2022 Spotlight Series!
2022 marks the 5th year doing our Spotlight Series. We felt the 5th anniversary would be the perfect time to reintroduce all of our outstanding doctors.
Our first Spotlight Series post is actually an introduction and welcome to the newest member of our veterinarians and Peak Performance Equine Services team in Ocala, FL!
Get to know Dr. Harley!

Dr. Shane Harley
The most wild and beautiful place on earth; Donegal, in the north-west of Ireland
College/University/Vet School:
University College of Dublin Veterinary School, Ireland
Areas of Interest:
Lameness exams, field surgery, and investigation of sub-optimal performance in sport horses.
What do you love about being an equine vet:
After growing up with a passion for horses and competing in show jumping, it is amazing to be able to work with them daily and care for them as a veterinarian. I love the fact that there is never a dull day because, as we all know, horses love doing weird and wonderful things all the time. Getting to work alongside all these great athletes both four- and two-legged is very rewarding when you see them competing at shows!
What is your favorite activity to do outside of work:
Apart from the obvious of horse riding and attending horse shows, I enjoy hiking, and traveling. I love climbing mountains, exploring national parks and rivers, and flying my drone to capture some epic shots.
If you could give one piece of advice to horse owners, what would it be:
I live by the motto of “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”; just like their riders, horses are athletes, not machines so it is important to remember that when training them. Each horse is different and I strongly believe that by implementing a tailored training plan to each of them at their different stages of career and development, that we can minimize the risk of sport-related injuries. I say sport related because they’ll always find some other way of injuring themselves that we can’t avoid!
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About Us
At B.W. Furlong & Associates, we are progressive leaders delivering the ultimate in veterinary care to our equine patients and clients in both the hospital and ambulatory setting. We have several associated practices offering exemplary care and services in New Jersey, Florida, and Virginia